Welcoming Two New Refugee Families

Our New Americans Committee and friends welcomed two new families from Afghanistan.
The Sadat Family arrived on February 8 and the Amiris on February 22. Both families are working very hard to get acclimated to their new life in America, thanks to the numerous volunteers who have helped in many ways.
The Khojas are thriving; the younger girls are doing well in school; the 4 adult kids are working and studying; and the parents are learning English.
A special thanks to the volunteers who are tutoring Hadreen, Narin, and Abdulla and helping Suzan with her writing.
Finally, the Abdulhamids, the first family from Syria we began to help are also doing well. The boys are busy in school; Ahmad is working; and Mayada has recently obtained her driving license. A book with her recipes and stories will be published in September; more info can be found at www.breadandsaltbetweenus.org.